Fav Pokémon

What is favorite Pokémon? I don't know lol. I feel like how people choose their favorite because they have significance in their run(s), or they just simply found them cute, cool, tough, or strong competitively.

But I feel like, I have different idea what favorite Pokémon is. It's like a person's favorite character from a cartoon, anime whatever. Like, something that anchors to me, that feels, special. That's why I feel different.

My liking into Ariados, Mawile, Ribombee, and Whimsicott; probably much more different than other people do I feel. I suppose they're cute, cool and tough whatever I said. But mostly because the anchor bias shit, like they feel special for some reason.

I feel like these Pokémon could be any Pokémon, but these just get lucky in particular. At the right time and place, and they just be as they are.

Its not just Ariados, Mawile, Ribombee, and Whimsicott as the Pokémon themselves. They have names to identify them. Respectively: Pita, Stella, Hanny and Catherine; are their names. Please if you can, refer every my piece of stuff refers those Pokémon with the stated name, okay? Feels more respectful that way.